The Enormous Pressures in Your Twenties

The Enormous Pressures in Your Twenties
 By, Kimberly Mulkey 

Being in your twenties can be a very exciting and very scary time. While there is freedom, exploration, and growth, there are also a lot of societal expectations about when you should be hitting certain milestones. Those who are not meeting these expected deadlines begin to feel more and more pressure with each passing year.

In working with college students I’ve found that each had a very similar timeline in mind for their twenties: complete their education, become settled into a career, be in a long-term romantic relationship, and start having their own family. Because these timelines had been reinforced by society over many years, problems began to arise for these students when their life started deviating from this timeline. Like these students, many of us are faced with circumstances that differ from the expectations placed on us.

Luckily, you can create your own timeline. There are many possibilities for the direction of your life. While settling down with a job, spouse, and kids by age 24 may work for some, it does not have to work for you. Find what drives you before choosing a career. Take time to travel alone before getting married. You still have options, even if your parents want to become grandparents!

Coming in last is not always a bad thing. Sometimes pressures arise simply because you’re one of the “last” in your friend group to “accomplish” something. Maybe you cannot decide on a career path, maybe you are the only friend who is not married, maybe you’re the last to have kids. It may not feel good all the time, but it does not mean you are doing something wrong. Not every journey takes the same path; not every path leads to the same destination.  

As we approach the time of high school and college graduations, I wonder, in what ways can we begin to lessen these pressures for the young people around us?
